Wednesday, July 01, 2009

Nursery pictures

I finally took some pictures of the nursery this weekend. Photos aren't the clearest because I hardly ever take pictures---at least we know it still works! Then I couldn't find the blasted card converter for the digital camera!

Changing table! I love it---Pottery Barn is THE BEST!! If we could afford it, I'd buy EVERYTHING Pottery Barn!

The glider is SOOO comfy and the back is tall enough for me. We tried tons of models before finding one that was built for anyone over average height!

I found some great fabric while out shopping with the girlfriends, but thankfully Nate found a cute balloon shade that fits perfectly with our valance off the Target registery. Yay, I won't have to sew anything after all!!!

Kudos to the hubby for all of his hard work on the nursery! He has such a great eye for design and did a fantastic job scouting out craigslist and putting all the pieces together.

He even has all of the letters to hang over her crib---unfortunately that will have to wait until she arrives since he's adament that we not tell names! :-) Although, I was laughing because the receipt for the block letters from Babies R Us has her name spelled out perfectly. What are the chances of that? :-)